The Musicality Method is an easy to follow, step by step video-based learning program unlike anything you’ll find elsewhere. This online training is designed to help you learn to teach to the beat of the music, elevate your cueing, command the room, create community within your classes, and take your teaching to the next level!
What You’ll Learn:
- You will learn the easy step by step methods for choreographing and teaching group fitness to music.
- How to count music in 8 and 32 counts.
- How to identify the different parts of a song (i.e. chorus, verse, bridge, and pre-chorus).
- How to choreograph group fitness classes on the 32 count to fitness remixed music.
- Three different choreography protocols to choreograph group fitness classes on the 32 count to non-fitness remixed music (aka what you would find on Spotify or Apple Music).
- The different stages of learning and learning styles which will help you teach in a way that ALL of your students can understand.
- The 6 different types of cues and how to utilize them in class.
- The Cueing Hierarchy, which is a method of cueing that gets all fitness levels moving quickly and safely while enhancing the flow of your class.
- How to set the stage before class and harness the energy during class to make each of your classes an amazing experience from start to finish!
- The importance of a Rock Star Introduction, and how to script your own.
- How to create a community within your classes to help your students feel welcomed, supported, and invested in each class.
Why choose the Musicality Method?

With the Musicality Method,
You’ll Receive:
- Online access to step by step videos teaching you how to incorporate the Musicality Method into your Group X classes
- Printable worksheets that make choreographing to music easy
Includes example videos demonstrating how to choreograph Barre classes, strength, cardio, step, BOSU, core workouts and more.
Approved for CEC’s by ACE, AFAA, NASM, and SCW
Access to our Instructor’s favorite playlists
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